Weekly Weigh In: Down 3 lbs

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The trouble with a Friday night weigh in, is that by time I get home and have dinner (can’t eat before stepping on the scales!) it’s then too late to start writing a blog post. And then it’s the weekend. And before you know it, BAM! hello, Wednesday!

And I just realised looking at my book, that I totally forget to share last week’s weigh in.

But I gained 1lb. Sooooo, moving swiftly right along :roll:

Thankfully, this week was much better…

Down 3 lbs! 



Weight Loss Update

Starting weight: 13st 8 lbs (US 190 lbs)
Current weight: 10st 9 lbs (US 149 lbs)
Weight loss so far: 2 stone 13 lbs (41 lbs)


Fingers crossed for my 3 stone weight loss award this week. So close!

Once again, my clothes are just hanging off me, so I had to go out and do some more ’emergency shopping’ this week. I bought some Size 10’s. (US size 6).

Oh, I like the sound of that.

Let me say that again.


*insert girly squeals!*

Admittedly, it was the tops that were a Size 10 – bottoms are still a 12-14 – but it’s a million miles from where I started and I couldn’t be happier.

That feeling of slipping on a smaller size and it fits… oh, I don’t think I will ever tire of that feeling!

I didn’t splurge though… saving those pennies for a BIG shop when I reach my goal!

Anyhoo, there’s my update. I hope you’re having a great day.

Happy hump day, y’all!

xoxo Natalie




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  1. says

    Woohoo! Well done!

    I’d have so repeated US Size 6, and then booked a holiday for all your hard work!

    Bring on Friday x

    • Natalie says

      Ha, I have lots of US readers and I know when I write in stones and pounds it confuses them, so I try and include their sizing also :)

      Loving the holiday idea!

  2. Harriet says

    So great to see others on the same weight loss journey as myself.
    I was 13 stone 5 pounds on the 1st of January 2014 and I am now at my lowest of 10 stone 11!! woop!
    I ultimately have the same goal as you, 10 stone but would like to see how i look at 9.5. Looking forward to your next post. Harriet UK.


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