Hey, there! I’m Natalie Collinson, also known as One Busy WAHM (work-at-home mum)… it’s nice to meet you!
My entire adult life I have battled with my weight and attempted countless diets. From my first school-girl diet at 14, to my post-baby attempt at carb-free ketosis in which I lasted one day – I’ve been on dozens of failed diets and had nothing to show for it but a ravenous appetite, killer headaches, a dented bank balance, and unhappiness.
Then one day I read a quote that changed everything.
This is YOUR life. You can decide how you want to live it.
Every little part of it is up to you.
At that point I realised that everything in my life I was unhappy with, was entirely within my control to change. My weight. My crooked teeth. My career…
So, I set about immediate change.
On 3rd January last year (2014), I joined Slimming World with a goal of losing 50lbs.
In February, I got adult braces on my teeth.
In March, I got a new job.
I thought that all I wanted was to be thin.
But actually, what I really wanted was to be happy.

October 2014 – I hit my goal!
One Busy WAHM is where I blog my journey to creating a life and body I love.
I am not a nutrition or weight loss expert. I prefer wine to wheat grass, cupcakes to quinoa and would rather dine-out with the family than pay for expensive gym membership. But what I have learned, is how to HAVE IT ALL. In moderation.
Have It All
Healthy living is not about giving up everything you enjoy, but rather, learning to get everything you love – the smart way. Now, we eat more, spend less, do more and live more now than ever before.
Now, a little about me…
I’m Natalie Collinson, wife to the most patient man in the world, mum to the sweetest boy and most crazy girl. Not forgetting Chester, our adorable dog.
In 2014 I lost 60 lbs (4+ stone) and dropped from a dress size 18 to 8.(US 14 to 4)
I’m a full-time working mum and thankful that I can work remotely, from home. I’m no spring chicken and look forward to celebrating the big 4-0 next year. I’ve not a single grey hair on my head (yet), but plenty of crows feet when I smile Ha, but now that I’ve lost all that weight and have beautiful straight teeth – I will truly feel ‘fabulous at forty!’
Deep down, I’m a girly-girl who loves to dress up, look pretty and enjoy life. I no longer want to hide behind baggy clothes, smile behind closed lips and work without passion.
I’m strong-willed, I love to laugh and enjoy camping weekends away with family and friends. I love all things sparkly and baking is a passion of mine. I adore beautiful stationery and love to send (and receive!) cards when there is no particular reason. Just ‘because’.
At One Busy WAHM, I share my journey openly and honestly. Pictures and all.
Every week I get messages saying things like:
“Thank you for sharing – you’ve made me realise I can totally do this too”
“I love your ___ recipe. I had no idea weight loss could taste so good”
“Your journey has inspired me to lose weight – I’ve lost 5 lbs in my first week!”.
I find most weight loss plans boring and unrealistic which is why so many people struggle.
It doesn’t have to be that way!
Readers tell me all the time that weight loss is expensive and they can’t afford to lose weight. Really? This is your health. You can’t afford NOT to lose weight. At One Busy WAHM, I share budget friendly recipes and frugal finds the whole family will love. Weight loss does not need to be expensive.
If you’re fed up with trying diet after diet with no results and are resonating with my real-life take on weight loss, we should connect!
You can check out all the ways to connect with me here:
Friend me on Facebook.
Follow me on Twitter.
Share with me on Pinterest.
Look me up on Instagram: @onebusywahm
Email me: natalie (at) onebusywahm (dot) com
I believe that every woman deserves to feel beautiful, enjoy her job, and love the life she lives.
Food for thought…
Don’t lose weight because you HATE your body.
Lose weight because you LOVE your body.
Hello saw your blog post about the new crocs boat shoes you have purchased and was wondering if you would fill out this quick survey about crocs! Me and some friends at university are doing an advertising campaign for the new designs and would love to hear from you too!!
Thank you. I’ve completed your survey!
PS. Some of the questions are very limiting, for example, I buy shoes from a number of stores, although the survey limits me to just one choice. My spend limit spans across several of your options, also.
I did send you an email – grateful if you could get in touch at your earliest convenience. Thank you!
Hi thanks for completing our survey! We have taken your views on board!
Is it ok to give you a call tomorrow?
Hiya, ive just come across your page. I was looking at a 52 wk saving plan and up you popped lol. So im looking forward to reading your pages. Thks Jo Hurford.
Hello Jo,
Thanks for stopping by. Were you able to download the free printable for the 52-week savings challenge okay?
Please feel free to hop on over to my FB Page – http://fb.com/OneBusyWAHM and let us know how you get on with the challenge!