Introducing… the OBW 10lb Weight Loss Challenge for April

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Today I’m introducing something new to OBW…

obw 10lb challenge

It’s been a few weeks since I last attended a Slimming World class. And a few weeks had lapsed before that class too. One cheat meal, turned into one cheat day, which turned into one cheat week. See where I’m going with this?

Life has been beyond busy these past few months, but because I placed my priorities on ‘other things’ a few pounds have crept back on. Six, to be precise. Now, putting that into perspective when I consider all the weight I have already lost, 6 lbs seems a silly amount to worry over. But, if I don’t address this little gain now, a few more months will pass and there is a chance I could be back to where I began. And I never want to go there again. 

At 38, I’m not nearly as active as I used to be. With my children now at school and my work being computer-based, my daily exercise amounts to: walking the children from the car to the school gates and strolling down the hallway to make tea and biscuits. << It’s true.

If I’m not careful, my limited activity means I can so easily eat more calories than I burn. I have to work hard to stay focused and in shape.

But, I’m tired of making excuses.
I’m tired of feeling old and creaky beyond my years.
I’m tired of my knees hurting and my back twinging.
I’m tired of feeling sluggish and tired.
I’m tired of feeling ‘soft’ and untoned.
I’m tired of thinking, “I could never do that” when I see others run a 5k or take a class.

So, I’m going to challenge myself, embrace change and I invite YOU to join in, too!

OBW 10 lb Challenge

Here’s how I plan to do it…

  • My goal is to lose 10 lbs in April. Broken down, that’s just 2.5 lbs a week.
  • I am setting a goal to post a quick update every day for the entire month of April to make me stay accountable. Don’t worry, I won’t bombard you with daily blog posts, instead, these may be quick updates here or to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Follow me and join in!
  • I am going to commit to exercise at least 2 x per week. My Mother’s Day gift to myself was a local gym membership, so I intend to make the most of it!
  • I am going to make a conscious decision to drink less tea (with sugar) and instead drink more water, eat more fruit for snacks and keep a food diary the entire month.

So please join me!

Join me in the quest to get slimmer, fitter and healthier this month.

It does not matter what diet plan (if any) you follow. All you need to do is pledge to make healthier choices, get more active, and strive to lose 10 lbs in April.

Join along in confidence. You do not have to disclose your start weight, end weight or any weight, unless of course you wish to.

Post your pictures, encouraging words or advice, or just drop by to cheer us along on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Use the hashtag #obw10lbchallenge so we can see each others success and cheer each other on.

Are you with me?

Let’s do this!


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  1. says

    Sounds like a great idea!

    Despite being pregnant I will also join in… Although I’m now at 20 weeks, I’m not sure how successful I will be. :)

    After your journey, I am sure you will manage this!


    • Natalie says

      Hey Beth,

      Congratulations! I trust you will do this safely for you and baby, and focus on the ‘healthy eating’ only :)

  2. says

    I am totally doing this! I’m not sure I’ll manage 10lb BUT I am starting running again tomorrow and will give it my best :) x

  3. says

    Let’s do it!! I’m on Slimming World. I have 9lbs to target. I think! I stood on the scales in the hospital today to weigh my little boy and I think I’ve put on this week so I’m determined to get it sorted. We were in the paediatrics bit but they didn’t have baby scales so we had to go for the mathematical version. Mum with and Mum without baby. So it could have been incorrect any way lol.

    I was hoping to make target by the 27th April which is my 29th birthday so hopefully I can pull my finger out and do this thing!!

    • Natalie says

      Hey Hannah, oh my goodness, what an awesome birthday present that would be to yourself, if you reached your Target on your birthday.

      YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :)

  4. says

    I’m with you Natalie, I need a buddie and 10lb loss before my hols in May would be magic. Been thinking and not doing far too long!

  5. Tracy Harrison says


    I’m in!!!!! Doing the moon walk in Edinburgh in June and the great North run in sep, but struggling with getting “going”. Hopefully this will kick start me!

    • Natalie says

      Wow, it sounds like you have a great few months coming up.

      Welcome to the #obw10lbchallenge !


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