Image credit: Nikos Koutoulas
Avoiding Binge Fest 2014
It’s that time of year… the fun, the festivities, family, food… and an average 8 lb weight gain!
It’s said the average calorie consumption on Christmas day alone is 6,000 – 8,000.
Fo’ real?!
This year, I have worked hard to lose weight.
52 1/2 lbs to be precise.
I know how it feels to lose every single one of those pounds, and I do not want to lose them twice.
Do I really want to be in a BIGGER clothing size for New Year’s Eve?
You bet I don’t.
And I won’t.
Starting Now
In years gone by, my Christmas feasting would have started the moment shops began to stock their seasonal goodies. Er, September?
Seriously, how many mince pies can you eat before Christmas? (Don’t answer – it’s not a challenge!)
Quite simply, if it’s not in the trolley you can’t take it home.
This year, I’m treating the month of December as ‘just a regular month’. Remembering, that Christmas is JUST ONE DAY!
Plan ahead
Eating out has always been an excuse to ‘let go’. After all, it’s Christmas, right?
And that’s fine if it’s just one meal. One meal out of 21 in a week, won’t hurt.
But I know what *I* am like!
One meal… becomes one weekend… becomes one week… becomes… “Oh let’s just start again in January!”
For Christmas parties, most restaurants require you to order ahead. An EASY way to make healthy choices and not be swayed by what others order.
Don’t want to pick a healthy option? You don’t have to. But balance is the key.
Aim for a starter OR dessert – not both. Honestly, I don’t think I could manage 3 courses these days anyway! And ask for a jug of tap water on the table. It’s free, and stops you drinking quite so much wine. You’ll feel better for it the next day too.
Check Your Diary
Grab a bright coloured highlighter and mark all the Christmas do’s in your diary.
Christmas brunch with the girls? Circle that.
Festive lunch at work? Highlight that, too.
Make it bright. Make it visual. Seeing what foodie ‘blips’ are on the radar makes it so much easier to stay on track at other times. Don’t write off an entire week because of one ‘bad’ day!
My strategy for Christmas dinner this year…
Christmas is fun. It’s only once a year. But do I really want to pay the price for weeks and weeks to come?
I will totally enjoy Christmas, but I won’t let it weigh me down.
Have a ‘Skinny’ Christmas Dinner
This year, no starter. Gasp!
Yep. No starter. We like to eat our Christmas dinner around 2pm. It’s a HUGE meal that I wouldn’t normally eat that early. A starter is nice, but by time we’ve had a late breakfast and inevitable snacking, it’s a course that’s not really required.
Nowadays I cook my roast potatoes in Fry Light. So why on earth do I even think about buying goose fat at Christmas time? (Damn you end-of-aisle promotions in supermarkets! )
Not this year. Roast potatoes Slimming World style they shall be. And they are lovely!
And why put butter all over veggies when they are soon to be swimming in gravy anyway? (Puts Delia and Nigella back on the shelf where they belong!).
Fill 1/3rd of my plate with veggies. At least.
Carrots, Brussels sprouts, roasted parsnips. Love them all!
Load up with turkey! Ditch the skin and it’s FREE on the Slimming World plan.
And yes, there will be gravy and stuffing and cranberry sauce… but… it’s only ONE meal on ONE day.
I Get It
It’s kind of hard saying no to those mince pies. (Pies, plural… ) because it’s never just one. And the endless wine and chocolates.
But you know what is harder? Hitting January 8 lbs heavier (or more!) and having to lose weight you’ve already lost once before. That is hard.
Looking back, I don’t regret missing one single food this year.
Don’t trade what you want the most for what you want at the moment.
Don’t kick yourself come January when you are reaching for your stretchy sweat pants or having to lay on the bed to zip up your jeans.
You can still have an awesome Christmas AND stay on top of all your goals!
Unwrap a slimmer you!
xoxo Natalie
Hi Natalie,
Just a quick note to say your post could not have come at a better time. Have been really struggling with SW lately and have lost a lot of motivation. There is soooo much temptation around it is hard to think straight and I think I definitely slipped into the ‘its Christmas, it can’t hurt’ camp without even meaning to. I have worked hard this year too, and although I’m not quite as far along in my journey as you I have said goodbye to 23lbs this year myself. And yes, I do NOT want to start in January knowing that I’ve taken a huge step backwards. So thank you again – I am inspired by you and also will be making as many healthy choices as possible this Christmas!
x Emma
Oh Emma, your comment brought tears to my eyes!
And HUGE congrats on your 23 lb weight loss – I bet that feels amazing, right?
Now I am at the other end of my journey, I can honestly say not one single food tastes as good as being slimmer feels.
Have an awesome Christmas and make the best choices you can, when you can!
xoxo Natalie