Have you made a New Year’s resolution yet?
Resolutions… plans… goals… whatever you call them
I’ve decided my main goal for 2015 is going to be fitness related. I know what I want, I’m just not entirely sure how to get there right now. But once I’ve got the deets all figured out, I’ll be sure to come back here and share with you all!
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Donna says
I don’t do resolutions any more. Instead I write a bucket list for the year of things I would like to achieve, learn, experience and share and cross them off as I go. I do updates on the blog every few months with how I’m getting on x
Michelle says
I made no resolutions this year but my resolution for next year is going to be just one…to live. You see I’ve just found out I have 3 lumps in my breast which is highly likely to be breast cancer and the wind has truly been taken out of my sails. I can’t even begin to tell you what a shock this has been but I’m a healthy living, determined woman and I have to believe that if it is, I can beat this with the philosophy I’ve been following this past few months, to move, nourish & believe. Fitness and health is important Natalie, don’t take it for granted and make 2015 your fittest, healthiest year yet!
Natalie says
Oh Michelle, I am SO SO sorry to hear this.
I’ve sent you a separate message… xoxo