It’s been 6 months since I got my adult braces (uppers) fitted and 5 months since getting my lower braces.
If you’ve been following along on my social networks, you will have seen me sharing snap shots of my journey, so I just wanted to take a moment and compile a little graphic to show you my transformation with adult braces so far.
6 months with adult braces
Every time I look at these, I kick myself for not getting them done sooner – and we’re not even done yet!
I’ve noticed the fastest transformation on my bottom teeth, and those were the ones *I* thought would take FOREVER. Notice how the top edge is now becoming nice and straight whereas before, it was all over the place.
Aside from the obvious poor alignment, I used to think top teeth looked huge and my bottom teeth looked all tall and thin. Isn’t it funny how they look so much smaller and in proportion now they are becoming better aligned?
Goodbye higgledy piggledy!
I still feel self-conscious wearing them, but I’m no way embarrassed by them. In fact, I’m quite proud!
Proud that I have taken the step to better dental health (and a better ME).
I am often stopped by friends and strangers alike and asked about my braces, so here’s a little FAQ for you:
What type of braces do you have? These ones are Damon Clear braces.
How long do you have to wear your braces? Every patient’s case is different, but my Orthodontist has given a guide of approximately 1 year
Do braces hurt? Damon braces are self-ligating, meaning the wire slides freely through the brackets and are not tied with elastics. With less tension they are almost painless. I say *almost* because they can feel a little tender for 2 or 3 days after a wire change, but nothing a paracetamol can’t fix!
Got any brace questions? Are you thinking of getting adult braces?
Leave me all your questions in the comments below and I will do my best to answer them for you!
xoxo Natalie
Donna says
I had braces when I was a teenager but I should have had teeth removed too. Because they didn’t take any teeth out I still have too many teeth in my mouth and they all moved straight after the braces were taken off. I would love to have adult braces! I’m now looking into the costs x
Natalie says
Hi Donna, I had braces as a teenager too and my teeth moved back.
Interestingly, my Orthodontist is against the removal of teeth (except in extreme circumstances) as it is no longer required with modern orthodontics. It’s amazing how they can align even the most crowded of teeth without extraction.
You are in Surrey, right? My Orthodontist has a practice here in Dorset and I’m sure in Richmond also. I’m seeing him tomorrow – let me get his other practice details and send them to you!
Bintu @ Recipes From A Pantry says
Goodbye higgeldy piggeldy and hello lovely new smile. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.