The post Smile Transformation: The Braces Are Off! appeared first on One Busy WAHM.
]]>Oh my goodness. This day, it finally happened…
It’s been just a little over one year since I declared I was no longer going to be unhappy over things I could change. And what a journey it has been. For years I have wanted to do this, and this past year has flown by so fast.
When starting out on any journey, to be told it will take a year (or more) can seem like a lifetime. It can be paralysing and stop you from taking that first step. Time passes anyway… you might as well spend it doing something worthwhile.
I’m kicking myself for not doing this sooner.
My teeth feel all super shiny and new again. No more brackets!
I’ve got to wear a retainer for a while to ensure my teeth don’t move and I’m feeling pretty mixed about that. I’m overjoyed to have my braces off but these might be more annoying than the braces! They will definitely cut down on unnecessary snacking more than my braces ever did. On a plus note, they don’t hurt, no-one can tell I’m wearing them and I don’t have a lisp. They will be worth it to maintain the correction of my teeth.
There are lots of brace options available depending on your teeth and lifestyle choices, but you can read here why I chose Damon braces over other popular options such as Invisalign or regular braces. You can even see me getting my braces fitted.
You’ve got to forgive the photos. I know, I know, they are *not* the prettiest.
Now you see why I wanted braces
And the goofy smile is just to show you both sets of teeth… normally my bottom row (the worst!) is hidden by my lips.
I could have Photoshopped them and made them nicer, but that’s not me. If you’ve followed along with my weight loss journey too, you will know that I share real pics from a real mum.
Since getting my braces removed, I’ve been asked lots of questions from friends and readers. There’s already lots here on the blog and via my social media, but so I can answer everyone, I’m going to respond to these in a further series of blog posts and try to cover all your questions!
These will include:
Have any other questions? Let me know in the comments below and I will answer them for you!
In the meantime, if you’ve ever wanted to get braces fitted, go visit your Orthodontist and discuss options that are right for you.
If you are in the Dorset or Hampshire region, I totally recommend my Orthodontist: Dr. Hardip Dhatt (and his awesome sidekick nurse, Hannah). Go along for a free consultation and see how you can transform your smile, too.
But before I finish… a few more gratuitous smiley photos. Sorry, I can’t help it!
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The post Why I got braces as an adult (and how it’s going) appeared first on One Busy WAHM.
]]>First day wearing my Damon braces
I wasn’t blessed with beautiful teeth growing up… overcrowded, crooked teeth, with pointy canines. But as a child, I was lucky to go through an orthodontic process on the NHS. First, with a removable brace, later followed by a fixed ‘train track’ on my upper teeth. Back then, some *cough* 25 ish years ago, NHS orthodontics were very much different to how they are today. It was more clinical, not cosmetic, and cosmetic dentistry wasn’t really a ‘thing’ here in the UK. As a pre-teen, I was yet to even discover make-up let alone an appreciation for the enormous benefit beautiful teeth would have later on in life. I saw my braces as somewhat a punishment not privilege, nor did I understand the importance of wearing retainers.
When I finally got my braces off for once and for all, I looked in the mirror…
… and was disappointed.
My front teeth were no longer crooked, they were now side-by-side – but on a slant. Sure, it was slight, and yes, they looked WAY better than they did before braces… but it was noticeable. Since my lower teeth had not been treated, these remained entirely unchanged. My teeth continued to always bug me, but I got used to my smile and went along my way.
My real teeth issues began post-braces. After experiencing the freedom of having my braces removed, I was less than enthusiastic about wearing my retainer. And when I lost my retainer, I never bothered getting a replacement and my teeth started shifting almost immediately. Later, my wisdom teeth came through and over the years my teeth have started crowding again further changing the look of my teeth and smile.
I am naturally such a smiley person and I felt constantly inhibited; smiling behind my hand or closed lips and disliking all photos of me. Now, with two young children and so many wonderful memories to capture on photo, I began to realise that between my weight issues and my teeth issues, I was missing out on them all.
BAM! Entire the desire to change it all.
I made an appointment with Ringwood Dental here in Dorset (highly recommended by the way, they are awesome!) and figured I would simply need / want regular white braces, although I was not adverse to metal ones.
I had a very lengthy and detailed consultation with my orthodontist in which we discussed ALL types of braces: Six-Month Smiles, Damon braces, Invisalign, Incognito…
We spoke about treatment plan times with each option, the process involved, the costings… and importantly, the anticipated outcome. We also had a great chat about celebrity smiles… I was amazed to discover how many celebs with the seemingly ‘perfect smile’ are not actually sporting their own teeth. They are veneers! I’m not afraid of dental treatment (mostly), but a full set of veneers is one-step too far for this mamma!
If you can’t tell, I’m a Damon braces cheerleader Simply because, that is what I have right now – and it’s WORKING! But to be fair, there are some downsides – although the importance of which will vary from person to person.
Whew, that was a long one!
But there you have it – the background on why I got adult braces and how I chose the one’s I did.
If you’ve ever considered getting braces, be sure to check back in a short while as I’ll be sharing more of my braces journey and how you can make the best braces decision for you, if that is something you want to do.
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]]>The post Photo Update: 6 Months With Adult Braces appeared first on One Busy WAHM.
]]>It’s been 6 months since I got my adult braces (uppers) fitted and 5 months since getting my lower braces.
If you’ve been following along on my social networks, you will have seen me sharing snap shots of my journey, so I just wanted to take a moment and compile a little graphic to show you my transformation with adult braces so far.
Every time I look at these, I kick myself for not getting them done sooner – and we’re not even done yet!
I’ve noticed the fastest transformation on my bottom teeth, and those were the ones *I* thought would take FOREVER. Notice how the top edge is now becoming nice and straight whereas before, it was all over the place.
Aside from the obvious poor alignment, I used to think top teeth looked huge and my bottom teeth looked all tall and thin. Isn’t it funny how they look so much smaller and in proportion now they are becoming better aligned?
Goodbye higgledy piggledy!
I still feel self-conscious wearing them, but I’m no way embarrassed by them. In fact, I’m quite proud!
Proud that I have taken the step to better dental health (and a better ME).
I am often stopped by friends and strangers alike and asked about my braces, so here’s a little FAQ for you:
What type of braces do you have? These ones are Damon Clear braces.
How long do you have to wear your braces? Every patient’s case is different, but my Orthodontist has given a guide of approximately 1 year
Do braces hurt? Damon braces are self-ligating, meaning the wire slides freely through the brackets and are not tied with elastics. With less tension they are almost painless. I say *almost* because they can feel a little tender for 2 or 3 days after a wire change, but nothing a paracetamol can’t fix!
Got any brace questions? Are you thinking of getting adult braces?
Leave me all your questions in the comments below and I will do my best to answer them for you!
xoxo Natalie
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]]>The post Getting My Braces Fitted appeared first on One Busy WAHM.
]]>When I was looking at getting adult braces fitted, I turned to the internet for information and reviews. It was really difficult finding stuff that wasn’t all about teenagers. I’ve been there, done that – had the teenage braces. I wanted to discover more about braces for adults.
Since getting braces, I’ve discovered so many other people who also want braces, but have been afraid to take the next step. Thankfully, my orthodontist is pretty cool and happy for me to blog and share my journey with you all
First, you get to accessorise with a groovy pair of dental goggles. Safety first, people!
Now that you’re all styled-up, you get to lie-back and ‘relax’. I am not a big fan of dental appointments, but I was so much calmer going in for a dental procedure that I actually wanted. Also, my orthodontist, Dr. Dhatt has this really relaxed manner that put me at ease and was fantastic at explaining the procedure to me, so I knew just what to expect.
To get fitted with braces your teeth need to be dry, so he inserted one of those plastic retractors that hold your lips and gums away from your teeth. It didn’t hurt, but just felt a bit weird. My teeth were then individually painted with a solution to sterilise the tooth surface and prepare it for the glue.
The solution was then rinsed off and sucked away, before my teeth got a little blow-dry from the air nozzle.
Prior to my appointment, my orthodontist had taken my dental moulds and carefully determined the exact position necessary for each of my brace brackets to be placed in order to achieve the best results. These brackets were then secured into a plastic retainer.
After my teeth had been prepared, the retainer was placed over my teeth and the brackets stuck into position with a glue. Dr. Dhatt then checked each bracket for accuracy and made any adjustments necessary.
The bonding glue was then cured with ultra-violet light.
Finally, an arch wire was placed onto my brackets and clipped into position.
I chose the Damon Clear brace system which means the brackets are all individually self-ligating and do not need any of those little elastic bands you often see on braces. It also means that fitting is quicker, easier and it was completely pain-free.
It was amazing how quick this all happened! I honestly thought I was going to be in the chair for at least an hour. It was maybe 35 minutes tops.
Dr. Dhatt then used his demo moulds to remind me exactly how the brackets looked and also how to apply some dental wax in case I had any areas where my gums rubbed over the next few days.
Thank You’s:
To Dr. Dhatt and his staff for allowing me to take photos of the procedure
To Andrea Pittam for her calming presence and wonderful photography skills.
I’ll be going back shortly to get my bottom braces fitted.. updates to follow, of course! In the meantime, follow along on Instagram or YouTube where I’ll be sharing by journey and progress.
If you’ve had braces fitted, or thinking about it – leave me a comment in the space below. I’d love to hear from you!
~ Natalie
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]]>The post New Year. New Me. appeared first on One Busy WAHM.
]]>Every single day, I see on Facebook and Twitter a stream of people who are unhappy with their body, their health or their self-esteem.
And whilst you will very rarely ever see me write negativity like that – I do get it. I get how miserable it can be to be overweight, or not in the jean size you would like to be. I get not wanting to go swimming with the children for fear of getting in a swim suit. Deleting family photos because you don’t like the way you look. I know. I have those days, too. Lots of them.
But soon, one bad day rolls into one week, into one summer and before you realise it. BAM! You have spent years feeling this way. Maybe not every day. But many.
This year, I decided that it was all going to change. I am not going to spend another minute wishing that something is different. And, for the most part – everything I was unhappy with was totally within my control to change.
Step 1. Lose weight and get fit.
Step 2. Get the perfect smile.
And I am going to achieve it all.
This video is a big deal for me. Normally I’m the one taking photos and videos – preferring to HIDE behind the camera. So be kind.
I’m getting braces!
Eeeeeek! I am so stinkin’ excited. I feel like a bottle of fizzy pop about to explode!
~ Natalie
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